Assalam o Alikum, I am very happy because I am going to tell you a short cut to get approved AdSense in Pakistan. You don’t need to purchase an google adsense account. I will discuss this step by step. Follow my guidelines step by step. After that you will get approved for adsense.
What is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is an advertising placement service provider. This department is specially designed/developed for website owners who want to shows some targeted ads (If site is based on niche scholarship niche than ads will be scholarship related) on their websites/blogs to make money online at home. It also provide this facility to application developers as well as youtube holder. In my point of view there is no such a department where you earn as much you can. In simple words, google adsense is an unbeatable advertising placement service provider all over the world.
Why Google AdSense is on top?
Google is adsense is a developed department which pay to its publishers a lot more than other companies like InfoLinks and RevenueHits. When I didn’t get approved Google Adsense, I joined RevenueHits. You can’t believe, my daily income on RevenueHits was 0.01$ (One Pakistani Rupees) and sometimes 0$. I felt very bad for this but didn’t lose heart. After trying RevenueHits, I applied for infolinks where I get approved in 1 or 2 days. I made 0.02 to 0.07 dollars per day i.e, 2 Pakistani Rupees to 7 rupees. When I get approved for adsense, I saw a big difference between Google Adsense and Other Providers. So, that is the reason behind the success of Google Adsense.
Why Google AdSense doesn’t Prefer Pakistani?
This is really bad for Pakistanis that Google Adsense doesn’t prefer Pakistanis. Everyone has its own point of view on this topic. I see google prefers USA and European Countries . Google adsense in not a Pakistani department. USA and European countries don’t want to see Pakistan as a developed country. All these countries are against Muslims countries in which Pakistan is on the top. If we look in past, Europe asked America to finish the Government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was going to Increase the value of Pakistani Currency as he decided in OIC conference held in Lahore,Pakistan. That’s the reason behind “Why Google AdSense Doesn’t Prefer Pakistanis”.
How and Why Many Pakistani Are Using USA Verified Google Adsense?
You may know or suggested by someone to use USA verified Google Adsense in Pakistan. You may know many Pakistani are using USA or UK Verified Google Adsense account. You may also get USA or UK Verified Google AdSense Account (price may be 100-150 dollars which are approximately equal to 10,000 – 15,000 Pakistani Rupees) through any AdSense seller. I will write an article “How to Get USA and UK Verified AdSense Account For Free?” as soon as possible. But at this time I only want to tell you How get Approved Adsense in Pakistan. Before this, you must know the requirements for Google Adsense.
Requirements of Google AdSense
If you want to apply for AdSense you must fulfill the requirements of Google Adsense which are following:
- You must have a Website
- Your website and its pages must be indexed in Google by Submitting Google Sitemap
- You must not have any other Google Approved AdSense account on your respective website.
- You must not have any other Approved AdSense account on your own name.
- You website shouldn’t violate any policy of google.
- You website must be designed carefully according to your niche.
Why many people get rejected by Google?
We see in many people get rejected by google for AdSense approval. Google don’t accept applications for those sites which violate its rules. As I mentioned requirements of Google Adsense above, if we don’t follow them we will reject. I know above steps are incomplete for Google Adsense approval because it is very difficult to get approved by Google AdSense. But rules are always rules. You have to follow them carefully to make money online using genuine methods.
How to Get Approved AdSense Account in Pakistan?
Before discussing this, I would like to tell you something more. Somebodies tell that google does not accept those websites for AdSense which are based on copy paste material. But it is wrong because I got many AdSense accounts on those websites which are based on copy paste material. How did I get approve for AdSense? I will tell you this soon wait a few moments. Following are the steps to get approved Adsense account in 3 days or less.
- Design You Website carefully
- Add Privacy & Policy,Disclaimer,About Us and Contact Us Page
- Add some articles (20 unique as well as copy pasted)
- Apply for Google AdSense
- Add 3 ad units and place these codes to appropriate area
- Go to Account Settings > Click on Site Manangement > Add your site link here > tick “Only My Owned Sites are allowed to show ads”
- Get traffic from Facebook or any other trusted source
I explained it briefly below.
Design You Website Carefully
Designing plays a very important role in adsense. If you want to get an Adsense Account then you have to design your website with care. Navigation is the important part of website look. Try to make clear the navigation for visitors. Google Adsense approval team look navigation for approving the application. If your website is based on wordpress or blogger you can easily set your website’s navigation menu. Install best template for your site because a good template makes a good impression on visitor.
Add Pages
You may think what type of pages you need to add. No need to add many pages just follow my guidelines and apply for adsense you will get approved adsense in Pakistan in 3 days. Add three pages in your website and in navigation menu.
- About
- Contact
- Privacy & Policy
- Disclaimer
Add about page for your page. Write about yourself, about your mission, about your team etc. Means to say that describe about your website clearly. About page is necessity of a good blogger. If you are a website master and managing a website about page should be in your website. If you add this page in your website google will prefer you in your adsense application.
To provide a contact us platform on website is a symbol of a good blogger or webmaster. As you know google prefers those sites where users experience very good. So, add this page in your website carefully. Add a contact form in it so users will be able to contact you through this contact form. Mention other contact details like your E-mail address,phone no. etc. (This line is Optional)
Privacy & Policy
I know a lot among you may not know about privacy and policy page. Privacy & Policy page is the best way to get approved soon. Add privacy & policy page in your website and clear it on navigation bar or top bar of your website. If you don’t know what you have to write in privacy & policy page you don’t need to worry just copy and paste my blog’s privacy & policy page. You don’t need to make any changes in this page. You can also get privacy & Policy page content from many websites. Don’t ignore this page.
You don’t need to add a new page for this you can paste it on footer of your site. There are many website which are using disclaimer on footer just find them and do this. Disclaimer also plays important role.
All that I mentioned above is very important. So follow my guidelines carefully. Don’t ignore even one step among them. I hope you will add these pages in your site for adsense approval.
Add content
Google doesn’t accept application for those site which have no content. Somebodies told me that google doesn’t accept application for those blogs which are based on copied content. But I rejected them because I got 3 adsense on my 3 blogs which were based on copied content. But remember that google prefers unique content based site. Don’t add only images based things in your website. Your written article should be of 300+ words.Google loves length so focus on length. Your website must have 15+ posts. Try to write articles yourself.
Read : Google Trends: 18 Ways the Tool can Punch Up Content Creation in Urdu & Hindi
Apply for Adsense
Now, its time to apply for adsense. Create a new Gmail account or use your old E-mail account to apply for adsense.
- Open
- Sign in with your gmail account t create a new account.
- Enter your website link there.
- Then fill up the form.
- Use your original name.
- Use your original address.
- Now, submit the form.
After that you will be able to login to your account.
Add Ad Units
Add three ad units and place them in your website sidebar,header or where you find it good. Try to place the code on good area. Don’t place more than three ad unit on each page of your website.
Get Traffic
Traffic is not necessary for adsense but I suggest you to use social media to get more traffic in reviewing days. But don’t use adwords for traffic purposes. Use of adword tool will suspend your adsense as well as adwords account. Real traffic is good for your website’s health.
I hope your google adsense will be approved in three days. Pray for me. I am waiting for you comments. Best of Luck.
You may also read know : How to Make Money Online With Simple and Easy Methods
Syed Farhan Ghazi
You can contact me anytime for adsense pin verification in 10 minutes at
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