If you are also worried about the What Should I Do After Matric In Pakistan? then there is no need to be worry any more. Here we will explain every thing about after Matric studies in Pakistan so that you have clear view of every subject and courses and choose wisely among all the possible options. As soon as the students in Pakistan pass out the Matriculation level education there is a questions arise in the mind of every student that what should i do after matric. For this they mostly seemed to be worry about their future because this question will stay with them in the whole next life. This is the point where you have to choose for what you are going for in the future. What you want to be in future because your dream would be on the subject and Courses after 10th Class. If you want to be an engineer ad you choose commerce subject after matric then you are in the nowhere after completion your studies that is why you have to worry about this question and do search its right possible answer.
You have to choose wisely the 1st year subjects List and for this we are here to help you out. Down here we will give you a brief introduction of the complete career guideline after Matric. Now this questions will be solved but what about How to Select College after Matric?
What Should I Do After Matric In Pakistan
FSc Pre Engineering:
For all those students who wanted to be an Engineer in the future FSc Pre Engineering is the best course option after Matric. Math is the Subject which makes difference in the FSc Pre Medical and FSc Pre Engineering. Once your choose FSc Pre engineering After Matric then all the ways are open for you except the medical field as other than that field you are free to go anywhere with any of the subject in your next career.
FSc Pre Medical:
If you choose Biology subject in the Matric Class instead of the Computer Sciences or the Mathematics then you should choose FSc Pre medical after matric class. To Get admission in the FSc pre Medical you have to get good marks in the matric class as well as in the Biology subject too so that you could be able to take admission in well reputed colleges After Matric.
ICS is abbreviation of Intermediate in Computer Science and as name mentioned if you select this course after matric then you have to study the computer education. If you have interest in the IT field, Programming of Computer then you have to select ICS. After completing your ICS your career path will be BCS and then MCS and you are proper in the field of Computer sciences which have a lot of scope in the Pakistani market.
If you have interest in the commerce field then the option for you is the ICOM which stands for Intermediate in Commerce. After Completing your ICS you can also go for the Business Management subject or Arts Subject too but still if you are interested in commerce then B.Com and After that M.Com is the bachelor and Master degree of commerce field.
FA is the Intermediate level degree in Arts and Humanities. It is our thinking in Pakistan that only the below average students choose FA subjects which is totally wrong because there are many students who have interest in the Arts subjects and that does not means that they are not intelligent. There are a vast scope and job availability for the students who have completed their education in the arts Subjects.
Diploma Courses:
Diploma Courses after matric is also one one of the option in front of students who wanted to earn money quick as the Diploma courses are of short time period and after that you find a job and starting earning money. There is a board of Technical education of all the provinces of Pakistan which offer the Diploma Courses to students after matric class in different field.
Medical Courses:
Another option in front of the students after matric class is the Medical Courses. yes there are some specified Medical Courses which you can join directly after completing your Matric level education. The list of all that Medical Courses are
- Dispenser
- Pharmacy
- Nursing Course
- Medical Technician Course
- OTA Technician
Now i hope that the question in your mind that What Should I Do After Matric In Pakistan is much clear now. Now its up to you that what you should choose as what you want to be in the future.
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